SQL server 2000連線問題:port 1433 連線失敗 請問一下 我安裝了SQL server 2000於windows server 2003上面 安裝完畢以後,其他client無法使用enterprise manager連線過來 在server上面輸入telnet localhost 1433也連線失敗 輸入netstat -a,也沒看到有sql的服務在listen 可是我防火牆沒有檔1433 port阿 >"
Sql Server 2000 / 2005 ( finding the port no & SSL status by T'SQL command ) Transact-SQL http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/zh-TW/eff42ed6-a6b4-441f-acff-9374a30712aa/sql-server-2000-2005-finding-the-port-no-ssl-status-by-tsql-command-?forum=transactsql Question 2 2009/8/23 上午 09:00:40 2009/8/28 上午 07:44:52 TSQL ...
MSSQL 要怎麼樣知道使用哪一個port - Yahoo!奇摩知識+ 一直出現以下的錯誤java.sql.SQLException: [Microsoft][SQLServer 2000 Driver for JDBC]Error establishing socket是因為port有問題嗎? 不是預設的1433?要怎麼樣查詢資料庫是用哪 ...
how to connect mssql server 2000 over internet? i try to connect mssql server 2000 over internet, i had port forward (default:1433), enable TCP/IP and add server alias in sql server client network utility, then i use http://canyouseeme.org/ to check port 1433 but it come back with service not found, an
PHP: mssql_connect - Manual - PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor With SQL Server 2000 SP2 I was unable to change the default TCP/IP port on the server side. But you can still change the default port the client libraries are using. On your PHP machine, ...
MS SQL Server :: MS SQL 2000 TCPIP Port Number And SQL Replication MS SQL 2000 TCPIP Port Number And SQL Replication Hi all I'm struggling to find an answer to this one! We've configured our SQL boxes to run under a different port number, e.g. from 1433 to 4533. This works fine under our Citrix enviornmnet where the dsn
How To Connect to a SQL Server 2000 Named Instance with JDBC To connect to a named instance through the Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Driver for JDBC, you must specify the port ...
當SQL Server 正在接聽的TCP/IP 連結埠被另一個應用程式使用時 ... 2000-06-26 09:54:10.72 server SuperSocket Info:Bind failed on TCP port 1433. ( 2000-06-26 09:54:10.72 伺服器 ...
SQL server 2000連線問題:port 1433 連線失敗 - MSDN - Microsoft 我安裝了SQL server 2000於windows server 2003上面. 安裝完畢 ... 可是我防火牆 沒有檔1433 port阿>"
SQLCoffee - Ports and Protocols used by SQL Server 2000 Ports and Protocols Used by Microsoft SQL Server 2000. The following are some network ports and protocols used by ...